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Wed, May 20
|Zoom Event
Impact New Member Zoom Welcome and Cocktail Hour!
Time & Location
May 20, 2020, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Zoom Event
About The Event
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 1880 9648
Password: 076824
We would love the opportunity to “meet” our new members, put faces to the names, and connect (at least virtually!) during these disconnected times.
Melinda Barham and Lisa LaFrance will spend a few minutes introducing themselves and sharing a little bit about their experience as Impact members. New members will learn more about the various ways they can get more involved if they want to, such as serving on one of our committees, participating in social events, and learning about the specific needs, issues and challenges facing the Palm Beach-area not-for-profit community.
This is intended to be a fun and casual event, so grab your libation of choice and learn more about this amazing group that you are now a part of!
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Meeting ID: 853 1880 9648
Password: 076824
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