We are proud to present Cristina Urreiztieta as this month’s member spotlight.
Cristina is the Co-founder and Vice President of Planning and Building, an interior design firm specializing in custom cabinetry and finishes. Her team has completed more than 5000 high-end projects in our community since 1991.
Cristina joined Impact because she feels that this organization provides the best means and medium to make a difference to the most vulnerable people in our community through their transformational initiatives. Additionally, she is a strong believer that women together can achieve anything.
Cristina was born and raised in Cali, Colombia and after graduating secondary school went to Paris, France to study Art Sciences and French. She lived in Europe for almost 10 years and moved to Palm Beach County in 1991 after meeting her husband and partner, Oscar Urreiztieta.
Cristina has been very involved in our community since her kids were young with recreational sports, competitive sports and the horse and tennis community.