2020 Merit Grant recipient Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC)'s Healthy Waters, Healthy People project is complete at their seaside campus in Juno Beach. Generous funding from Impact the Palm Beaches supported the completion of the urban estuaries exhibit, featuring a life-sized red mangrove forest and several iconic native species that can be found in Florida's estuarine ecosystems. Daily tours of the facility include a visit to this living exhibit to learn about the importance of mangroves that provide a buffer for storm impacts on our coastal communities, among many other human health benefits. Favorite ambassador species include yellow stingrays (Urobatis jamaicensis) and lookdowns (Selene vomer) that call the mangroves home. VIP tours of LMC, including the urban estuaries exhibit, are available to all Impact the Palm Beaches members as a thank-you for the tremendous support of this project. Please contact Gui Proença at gproenca@marinelife.org to arrange a visit.